
The permissionless nature of DeFi allows any tokens to be listed and traded quickly and easily. Nowadays, It's hard for users to find permissionless markets when looking for leverage trading. Existing Decentralized Leverage Trading Protocols provide only minimal pairs and market depth cannot scale to meet the growth of the market. So to truly build DeFi's vision of global financial access, there needs to be a decentralized, permissionless, scalable and secure leverage trading facility.

What is OpenLeverage?

OpenLeverage is a permissionless margin trading protocol, which enables traders or other applications to be long or short any trading pair on DEXs efficiently and securely.

The mission of OpenLeverage Protocol is to create an entirely permissionless decentralized margin trading infrastructure which means no permission need to create a margin trading market for any pair.

Key features

Intuitive User Interface with Air Design

Intuitive User Interface with Air Design

What makes OpenLeverage unique?

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